Your Hoboken NJ area home should be a safe environment for you and your family. That’s why people make sure their homes can protect them from the elements and that outsiders may not be able to break in. However, health is an important factor to consider when creating a safe environment. And while some signs may be obvious, such as pests and vermin running amok, others can be subtle. So, to ensure your home is not posing a threat to your health, here are some signs you need to look out for.
1. Your Ducts and Vents Have Never Been Cleaned
The air that is circulated within your home should be free of contaminants, pet dander, dust, and allergen particles, among others. However, if your air ducts and air vents are contaminated, then it is more likely that the air circulating around your home is also contaminated. And if that is the case, then you may be putting your health at risk.
Make sure your ducts and vents are cleaned regularly. This can be done by an HVAC professional who will use a leaf blower to clean it out and a vacuum/blower combo to suck out any loose debris found inside.
2. A Lot of Moisture Is Present in Your Home
When your home has a lot of moisture, it may lead to mold growth. It can also attract other sources of moisture, such as pests like mice and rats, which can spread harmful bacteria. This can be especially dangerous for your family, especially if there are children in the house. Some signs to look out for are black mold, which looks like black powder or something shiny; white mold, which can look like white powder or something furry; or green mold, which looks like green powder or something slimy. If you see any of these or have a musty odor in your home, then a mold problem may exist.
3. Your Household Cleaning Products Contain Toxic Chemicals
The products you use to clean your home should not contain toxic chemicals or VOS’s. These can be quite damaging to your respiratory health. For instance, ammonia is a powerful cleaning liquid that can be highly toxic even in small amounts. Once it is in your home, it is likely to be released into the air and inhaled. And if you have someone in your house who suffers from respiratory ailments, then ammonia can be incredibly dangerous for them.
4. Your Home Lacks Proper Ventilation
Your home should always have a steady source of fresh air circulating through it. Without proper ventilation, your home can become stale and contaminated, leading to problems that can affect your health. Diseases like asthma, for instance, can be triggered by stale air because it does not have enough oxygen to breathe.
In Summary
With all of these signs in mind, it is important to not only keep an eye out for the obvious signs but also to do what you can to prevent them. For example, using green cleaning products and having professional deep house cleaning done regularly can help avoid problem that are easily overlooked. Ensure your home has proper ventilation and moisture control so it is neither to humid or to dry has become very important. These are just some of the many ways you can reduce the risks your home poses to your health.
Make sure your home is a safe place to live in with the help of VepoClean (EcoPure) Home & Apartment Cleaning Services in Hoboken. We are a maid home cleaning service that uses state-of-the-art equipment to clean every crevice of your home. We work around your schedule to accommodate you with regular home cleaning services as well as deep cleaning needs. Contact us today to get started!