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3 Dirtiest Areas in the Kitchen: A Guide for House Cleaning

kitchen countertop

The kitchen is one of the busiest places in the house since it’s where you and your family go for snacks, daily meals, household chores (e.g., washing dishes, organizing groceries), and quick coffee breaks. Amidst all these activities, you can expect loads of opportunities for the flooring and the surrounding area to get dirty very quickly. That’s why before you go about cleaning whatever you think you need to, you have to be strategic by identifying the areas with the most clutter. To do this effectively, refer to the following information:

1. Countertops 

If you have a messy kitchen countertop, you are just like everyone else because it can easily get dirty. It’s where you prepare food, open ingredients, place used dishes, and put most of your kitchen appliances. Some families even sit on the countertops, further contaminating different surfaces and exposing your family to harmful bacteria. 

Additionally, you may encounter having moldy countertops because of the excess wastewater from various items seeping beneath the surface, especially if it’s a porous one, like wood and stone. In effect, you can unknowingly spread mold spores, and witness water damage affects your countertops’ functional use. Therefore, ensure you scrub down these areas thoroughly and consider other deep house cleaning solutions. 

2. Handles, touchpads, and doorknobs

If you know about COVID-19 protocols, you may notice that many medical professionals emphasize the importance of good hand hygiene. It’s because you are likely to touch objects and high-contact spots daily. Thus, if you apply this to your home kitchen, you can probably imagine the number of harmful pathogens they have, such as with your storage cabinets, refrigerator, microwave, and more.

Fortunately, you can easily clean these places with a damp towel soaked in some dishwashing soap and water.  You can also use some disinfectant cleaner to kill any nasty viruses. Most importantly, you can request your family to practice good hand hygiene at home, especially when interacting with the kitchen. This way, you have an easier time cleaning all the high-touch components as indicated by less dirty fingerprint smudges and tiny food particles. 

3. Cutting boards and knife blocks

If you are no stranger to home cooking and preparing meals for your household, then you probably use your cutting boards and knife blocks daily. Unfortunately, you may not be aware that you let food bacteria cross-contamination due to the poor cleaning of these cutting equipment. If you also have wooden boards and blocks, you can expect harmful substances to seep into the tiny nooks and crannies, affecting your fresh ingredients’ longevity and food safety. 

As an effective solution, consider changing your old kitchen tools, especially those with worn-out surfaces, with newer ones. As a general rule in your household, instruct everyone to always clean tools after use to prevent cross-contamination. For deep cleaning, simply use some warm water, some cleaning solution, a new sponge, and some food-safe disinfectant. 


The kitchen is known for being the main battleground for many households when it comes to tidying up. Fortunately, you now have a better understanding of what you need to pay close attention to and use the appropriate cleaning tools and methods for the job. Meanwhile, if you want to take a break from all the chaos of household chores, consider finding local house cleaners in your area to get the task done right. 

Are you looking for the best cleaning service Hoboken has to offer? Consult with our team at VepoClean. We are your dedicated team of professional cleaning experts, providing you with the most cost-effective, detail-oriented solutions to ensure kitchen stains and other messes are the least of your worries. Enter your zip code today to book your next deep house cleaning day! 

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